Jed McCaleb Biography: Life, Career, Success, Wealth & Net Worth

Estimated read time 3 min read
NameJed McCaleb
Known forCo-founding Mt. Gox, Ripple, and Stellar
PhilanthropyDonated millions of dollars in cryptocurrency to various charities
BeliefsStrong advocate for decentralization and blockchain technology

Jed McCaleb is a prominent American entrepreneur and programmer who is known for his contributions to the cryptocurrency industry. Born in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1975, McCaleb grew up with a passion for technology and programming. He taught himself how to code and built his first website in 1995.

In 2000, McCaleb created eDonkey2000, a peer-to-peer file-sharing network that became one of the most popular file-sharing networks in the early 2000s. He then co-founded the company Overnet, which was acquired by ed2k, and later founded the cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox in 2010.

After Mt. Gox was sold in 2011, McCaleb turned his attention to creating a new cryptocurrency. In 2014, he co-founded Ripple, a digital payment protocol that uses blockchain technology to facilitate instant cross-border payments.

In 2015, McCaleb founded Stellar, a decentralized platform for creating and exchanging digital assets. Stellar’s native cryptocurrency, lumens (XLM), quickly gained popularity, and by 2018 it had a market capitalization of over $12 billion. As of 2021, McCaleb’s estimated net worth is $1 billion.

In addition to his work in the cryptocurrency industry, McCaleb is also known for his philanthropic efforts. In 2014, he donated $500,000 worth of XRP to the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring the safe development of advanced artificial intelligence.

Overall, Jed McCaleb is a highly influential figure in the cryptocurrency industry, and his work has had a significant impact on the development and adoption of blockchain technology.


  • 1975: Jed McCaleb is born in Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • 1995: McCaleb builds his first website and begins teaching himself how to code.
  • 2000: McCaleb creates eDonkey2000, a peer-to-peer file-sharing network that becomes one of the most popular file-sharing networks in the early 2000s.
  • 2007: McCaleb co-founds the company Overnet, which is acquired by ed2k.
  • 2010: McCaleb founds the cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox.
  • 2011: Mt. Gox is sold to Mark Karpeles.
  • 2014: McCaleb co-founds Ripple, a digital payment protocol that uses blockchain technology to facilitate instant cross-border payments. He donates $500,000 worth of XRP to the Machine Intelligence Research Institute.
  • 2015: McCaleb founds Stellar, a decentralized platform for creating and exchanging digital assets.
  • 2018: Stellar’s native cryptocurrency, lumens (XLM), has a market capitalization of over $12 billion.
  • 2021: McCaleb’s estimated net worth is $1 billion.

5 interesting facts about Jed McCaleb:

  1. Jed McCaleb was one of the pioneers of the cryptocurrency industry, co-founding both Mt. Gox and Ripple before founding Stellar.
  2. McCaleb has been involved in peer-to-peer technology and file sharing since the early 2000s.
  3. He is known for his philanthropic efforts, having donated millions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency to various charities.
  4. McCaleb is a strong advocate for decentralization and believes that blockchain technology has the power to change the world for the better.
  5. He is known for his minimalist lifestyle, and has been quoted as saying that he owns just a handful of possessions.

5 quotes from Jed McCaleb:

  1. “We’re building a decentralized protocol so that anyone can create and exchange their own digital assets without the need for a centralized authority.”
  2. “The internet is moving toward a more decentralized model, and I think blockchain is the way to achieve that.”
  3. “The beauty of open-source software is that anyone can look at the code and verify that it does what it says it does.”
  4. “I think there’s a lot of potential for blockchain technology to solve some of the world’s biggest problems, like poverty and inequality.”
  5. “I don’t think cryptocurrency is going away anytime soon. It’s already become too big of a phenomenon.”

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