The Controversial Career and Wealth of Milo Đukanović- Biography

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NameMilo Đukanović
BornFebruary 15, 1962
Place of birthNikšić, Yugoslavia (now Montenegro)
Political partyDemocratic Party of Socialists
Positions heldPrime Minister (5 times)
President (3 times)
Net worthEstimated at $10-15 million
ControversiesAccused of corruption and links to organized crime
Linked to controversial business deals, including the sale of state-owned assets at below-market prices
Criticized for authoritarian tendencies and stifling press freedom

Milo Đukanović is a Montenegrin politician who has been a prominent figure in Montenegrin politics since the early 1990s. He has served as the President, Prime Minister, and Chairman of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro (DPS) during his political career.

Born on February 15, 1962, in the village of Nikšić, Montenegro, Đukanović began his political career in 1989 when he was elected as the Secretary of the League of Communists of Montenegro. He was only 27 years old at the time and quickly rose through the ranks of the party.

In 1991, Đukanović became the Prime Minister of Montenegro, making him the youngest head of government in Europe at the time. He held this position until 1998, when he became the President of Montenegro. He served in this position until 2002, when he stepped down and became the Prime Minister once again. He held this position until 2006, when he became the President of Montenegro for the second time.

During his time in office, Đukanović was instrumental in securing Montenegro’s independence from Serbia in 2006. He was also responsible for steering the country towards closer ties with the European Union and NATO. He has been a vocal advocate for Montenegro’s integration into these organizations, believing that it is essential for the country’s economic and political stability.

In addition to his political career, Đukanović has also been involved in several business ventures. He has been linked to numerous controversial business deals and has been accused of corruption by his political opponents. Despite this, he has amassed a significant amount of wealth, with estimates suggesting that his net worth is around $10 million USD.

Đukanović’s political career has been marked by controversy, with many accusing him of authoritarianism and corruption. However, his supporters praise him for his role in securing Montenegro’s independence and for his efforts to modernize and reform the country’s political and economic systems.

Regardless of one’s opinion of him, there is no denying that Milo Đukanović has been one of the most influential political figures in Montenegro’s recent history. His legacy is likely to be debated and analyzed for years to come.

Here is a timeline of the major events in Milo Đukanović’s career:

  • 1989: Elected as Secretary of the League of Communists of Montenegro
  • 1991: Becomes Prime Minister of Montenegro at age 29
  • 1997: Becomes Chairman of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS)
  • 1998: Resigns as Prime Minister and becomes President of Montenegro
  • 2000: Wins re-election as President of Montenegro
  • 2002: Steps down as President and becomes Prime Minister once again
  • 2006: Leads Montenegro to independence from Serbia and becomes President for the second time
  • 2008: Resigns as President and becomes Prime Minister once again
  • 2010: Wins re-election as Prime Minister
  • 2016: Resigns as Prime Minister but remains Chairman of DPS
  • 2018: Becomes President of Montenegro for the third time after winning a closely contested election

Throughout his career, Đukanović has been a controversial figure, with many accusing him of corruption and authoritarianism. However, he has also been praised for his efforts to modernize and reform Montenegro’s political and economic systems, as well as for his role in securing the country’s independence from Serbia.

5 interesting facts about Milo Đukanović:

  1. Đukanović was the youngest Prime Minister in Europe when he was first elected to the position in 1991 at the age of 29.
  2. He is known for his pro-European Union and pro-NATO stance, and has been a vocal advocate for Montenegro’s integration into these organizations.
  3. Đukanović has been accused of corruption and involvement in organized crime by his political opponents.
  4. He has been linked to numerous controversial business deals, including the sale of state-owned assets at below-market prices.
  5. Despite the controversy surrounding him, Đukanović has remained a dominant political figure in Montenegro for more than two decades.

5 quotes from Milo Đukanović:

  1. “Our goal is to create a modern, democratic, and prosperous state that will be able to take its rightful place in the family of European nations.”
  2. “I firmly believe that Montenegro’s future is in the European Union and NATO.”
  3. “There is no alternative to reforms, there is no alternative to the European Union.”
  4. “I will fight for a state where there will be no place for criminal groups and for those who want to turn Montenegro into a country of corruption and crime.”
  5. “I am convinced that only those who are ready to work hard, with dedication and vision, will succeed in creating a better future for our country and our people.”

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