Patrick Soon-Shiong Biography: Life, Career, Success & Wealth

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NHS Confederation, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Patrick Soon-Shiong is a South African-born American physician, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He was born on July 29, 1952, in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, to Chinese immigrant parents.

Soon-Shiong obtained a medical degree from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, and later completed a surgical residency at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He then moved to Los Angeles, California, where he began practicing as a surgeon and conducting research on cancer and diabetes.

In the early 1990s, Soon-Shiong founded two biotechnology companies, American Pharmaceutical Partners and Abraxis BioScience, which focused on developing innovative cancer treatments. In 2010, he sold Abraxis BioScience to pharmaceutical giant Celgene for $2.9 billion, making him one of the wealthiest people in America.

Soon-Shiong’s success in the biotech industry continued with the founding of NantWorks, a network of healthcare technology companies focused on developing personalized cancer treatments. NantWorks has developed cutting-edge technologies such as the Cancer Genome Browser and the NantOmics Cancer Diagnostic Test, which uses genetic sequencing to identify personalized cancer treatments.

In addition to his work in the biotech industry, Soon-Shiong has also been a philanthropist and advocate for healthcare reform. He has donated millions of dollars to medical research and education, including the establishment of the Chan Soon-Shiong Institute for Advanced Health at St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

In 2018, Soon-Shiong made headlines when he purchased the Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune newspapers for $500 million, with the aim of revitalizing the struggling print journalism industry and promoting independent journalism.

Overall, Patrick Soon-Shiong’s success in the biotech industry and his dedication to improving healthcare and promoting journalism have made him a prominent figure in the business and philanthropic communities.

Here is a timeline of key events in the life and career of Patrick Soon-Shiong:

  • 1952: Patrick Soon-Shiong is born in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
  • 1972: Soon-Shiong obtains a medical degree from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • 1983: Soon-Shiong completes a surgical residency at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
  • 1984: Soon-Shiong moves to Los Angeles, California, where he begins practicing as a surgeon and conducting research on cancer and diabetes.
  • 1991: Soon-Shiong founds American Pharmaceutical Partners, a biotechnology company focused on developing innovative cancer treatments.
  • 2007: American Pharmaceutical Partners merges with American BioScience to form Abraxis BioScience, with Soon-Shiong serving as CEO.
  • 2010: Celgene Corporation acquires Abraxis BioScience for $2.9 billion, making Soon-Shiong one of the wealthiest people in America.
  • 2011: Soon-Shiong founds NantWorks, a network of healthcare technology companies focused on developing personalized cancer treatments.
  • 2016: Soon-Shiong announces the launch of Cancer MoonShot 2020, a collaborative effort involving more than 20 cancer centers aimed at accelerating the development of cancer treatments.
  • 2018: Soon-Shiong purchases the Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune newspapers for $500 million, with the aim of promoting independent journalism.
  • 2021: Soon-Shiong steps down as CEO of NantWorks to focus on philanthropy and developing a national pandemic response plan.

Note: The above timeline is not exhaustive and is meant to highlight some of the major events in Soon-Shiong’s life and career.

5 Interesting Facts about Patrick Soon-Shiong:

  1. He is the first person of Chinese heritage to graduate from the University of the Witwatersrand Medical School in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  2. In addition to his medical and business accomplishments, he is an accomplished athlete, having competed in the 1984 Olympics as a member of the South African men’s fencing team.
  3. He holds more than 50 U.S. patents and has been awarded numerous honors for his contributions to medicine and biotechnology.
  4. He has been a vocal advocate for healthcare reform and has spoken out on issues such as the high cost of prescription drugs and the need for greater investment in cancer research.
  5. He is known for his philanthropic efforts, including the creation of the Chan Soon-Shiong Family Foundation, which has donated millions of dollars to medical research and education.

5 Quotes from Patrick Soon-Shiong:

  1. “I think the only way we can cure cancer is through collaboration.”
  2. “The way we will solve these problems is through innovation and entrepreneurship.”
  3. “You have to believe in the impossible to achieve the possible.”
  4. “If you’re not willing to take risks, you’re not going to achieve anything in life.”
  5. “It’s not just about money. It’s about making a difference in the world.”

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