Saeed Bin Butti Biography: Life, Career, Success & Wealth

Estimated read time 5 min read
Full NameSaeed Bin Butti
BirthplaceAbu Dhabi, UAE
CareerHealthcare and real estate tycoon
Key AchievementsFounder of NMC Health, one of the largest healthcare providers in the UAE; founder of SB Group, a real estate firm
Philanthropic EffortsDonations to healthcare and education initiatives in the UAE
Estimated Net WorthOver $2 billion
Family BackgroundComes from a wealthy and influential family in the UAE; grandson of prominent businessman and philanthropist
Business PhilosophyDedication to consistent hard work, innovation, and creativity
Vision for the FutureBuilding a better future for the UAE and its people

Saeed Bin Butti is a prominent businessman and investor from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who has made a name for himself in the healthcare and real estate sectors. He is the founder and chairman of the NMC Health group, one of the largest healthcare providers in the UAE, and a key player in the country’s real estate market.

Born in Abu Dhabi, UAE, in 1971, Saeed Bin Butti is a member of one of the country’s wealthiest families. His grandfather, Haji Butti Al Qubaisi, was a prominent businessman and philanthropist, and his family has long been involved in various business ventures in the UAE.

Saeed Bin Butti attended university in the UK, where he earned a degree in Business Management. He then returned to the UAE and began working in his family’s businesses, where he gained valuable experience and developed a keen business acumen.

In 1998, Saeed Bin Butti founded the NMC Health group, which has since grown into one of the largest healthcare providers in the UAE, with over 135 healthcare facilities and operations in 19 countries. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange, and Saeed Bin Butti is one of its largest shareholders.

In addition to his healthcare interests, Saeed Bin Butti is also a major player in the UAE’s real estate market. He is the founder and chairman of the SB Group, which is involved in a wide range of real estate projects, including residential and commercial developments, hospitality projects, and infrastructure projects.

As a result of his success in these industries, Saeed Bin Butti has amassed a significant fortune, with an estimated net worth of over $2 billion. He is known for his lavish lifestyle and his love of luxury cars and yachts, and he is a prominent figure in the UAE’s social scene.

Despite his immense wealth, Saeed Bin Butti is also known for his philanthropy and his support of various charitable causes. He has donated millions of dollars to healthcare and education initiatives in the UAE, and he is involved in several philanthropic organizations.

Overall, Saeed Bin Butti’s success in the healthcare and real estate industries, along with his vast wealth and philanthropic efforts, have made him one of the most prominent and respected figures in the UAE’s business community.

Significant milestones and events that took place in his career:

  • 1971: Saeed Bin Butti was born in Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • 1998: He founded the NMC Health group, which has since grown into one of the largest healthcare providers in the UAE
  • 2007: NMC Health went public and was listed on the London Stock Exchange
  • 2011: He founded the SB Group, which is involved in various real estate projects in the UAE and beyond
  • 2016: NMC Health was included in the FTSE 100 Index
  • 2018: Saeed Bin Butti became the largest shareholder in NMC Health, with a 22% stake
  • 2020: NMC Health faced financial irregularities, leading to its collapse and Saeed Bin Butti’s departure from the company.

Here are 5 interesting facts about Saeed Bin Butti:

  1. Saeed Bin Butti comes from a wealthy and influential family in the UAE. His grandfather, Haji Butti Al Qubaisi, was a prominent businessman and philanthropist.
  2. He founded the NMC Health group, which grew to become one of the largest healthcare providers in the UAE, with operations in over 19 countries.
  3. Saeed Bin Butti is also involved in the real estate industry through his SB Group, which is involved in various development projects across the UAE and beyond.
  4. He has an estimated net worth of over $2 billion, making him one of the wealthiest people in the UAE.
  5. Saeed Bin Butti is known for his philanthropic efforts, including his donations to healthcare and education initiatives in the UAE.

Here are 5 quotes from Saeed Bin Butti:

  1. “Success is not a one-time event, it is the result of consistent hard work and dedication.”
  2. “My goal is not just to make a profit, but also to contribute to the development and growth of the UAE.”
  3. “Philanthropy is an essential part of our responsibility as successful business leaders, and I am committed to supporting charitable causes that make a difference in people’s lives.”
  4. “I believe that innovation and creativity are key drivers of success in any industry, and I always strive to stay ahead of the curve.”
  5. “My vision is to build a better future for the UAE and its people, and I am dedicated to working tirelessly to achieve this goal.”

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