Simon Unge Biography: Life, Career, Success & Wealth

Estimated read time 4 min read
source: re:publica from Germany

Simon Unge, better known as just “Unge” on YouTube, is a popular German content creator who has gained a massive following for his entertaining videos and engaging personality. Born on August 2, 1992, in Düsseldorf, Germany, Simon developed a passion for video games and content creation at a young age. He started his YouTube career in 2010, uploading gameplay videos and commentary to his channel.

Over the years, Unge has expanded his content to include vlogs, challenges, and other types of videos, which has helped him grow his following to over 4 million subscribers. His content is known for its humor, creativity, and relatability, and he has become one of the most popular content creators in the German-speaking world.

As for his wealth, Unge is estimated to have a net worth of around $3 million. This comes primarily from his YouTube channel, where he earns money through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. He also has a significant following on other social media platforms, including Instagram, where he has over 2 million followers.

Unge has used his success to give back to his community and support various charitable causes. He has also launched his own clothing line and published a book, further expanding his brand beyond YouTube.

Despite his success, Unge remains humble and down-to-earth, often engaging with his fans and sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of his life. He continues to produce entertaining and engaging content, inspiring others to pursue their passions and follow their dreams.

Here’s a timeline of Simon Unge’s life and career:

  • August 2, 1992: Simon Unge is born in Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • 2010: Unge starts his YouTube channel, primarily focusing on gameplay videos and commentary.
  • 2013: Unge’s channel begins to gain traction, thanks to his humorous and engaging content.
  • 2014: Unge launches his own clothing line, featuring designs inspired by his YouTube channel.
  • 2015: Unge’s channel surpasses 1 million subscribers, cementing his status as one of Germany’s most popular content creators.
  • 2016: Unge publishes his first book, “Ungefiltert: Wie ich meine Depression besiegt habe und wie du das auch schaffen kannst” (“Unfiltered: How I Beat My Depression and How You Can Too”).
  • 2017: Unge takes a brief hiatus from YouTube to focus on his mental health and personal life.
  • 2018: Unge returns to YouTube with renewed energy, launching new types of content and expanding his brand.
  • 2019: Unge’s channel reaches 4 million subscribers, solidifying his place as one of Germany’s top YouTubers.
  • 2020: Unge collaborates with other popular German YouTubers on a charity livestream, raising thousands of euros for a children’s hospital.
  • 2021: Unge continues to produce engaging and entertaining content on YouTube, inspiring his millions of fans around the world.

This timeline provides a brief overview of Simon Unge’s life and career, highlighting some of his most significant achievements and milestones.

5 Interesting Facts:

  1. Simon Unge has struggled with depression and anxiety, and has been open about his mental health struggles in his videos and his book “Ungefiltert”.
  2. He has collaborated with other popular YouTubers in the German-speaking world, including Gronkh and Sarazar.
  3. Unge has a strong social media presence beyond YouTube, with over 2 million followers on Instagram.
  4. He launched his own mobile game, “Unge’s Adventure”, in 2019.
  5. Unge is known for his humor and creativity in his videos, often incorporating music, sound effects, and editing techniques to make them engaging and entertaining.


  1. “The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”
  2. “Life is too short to waste time on things that don’t matter.”
  3. “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”
  4. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
  5. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

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