Laurene Powell Jobs Biography: Life, Career, Success & Wealth

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Net WorthOver $22 billion
Source of WealthInherited wealth from late Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs
Philanthropic InitiativesFounder of Emerson Collective, focusing on education, immigration, and environmental initiatives
Business VenturesStrategic investments in companies like Apple, Disney, and Airbnb
Social ImpactActive involvement in various social and environmental causes
Personal ProjectsCo-founder of College Track, a college completion program for underprivileged students
Influence and RecognitionRecognized as one of the wealthiest women globally and influential philanthropists
Educational BackgroundHolds a bachelor’s degree in political science and economics

Laurene Powell Jobs is an American businesswoman, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. She was born on November 6, 1963, in West Milford, New Jersey, to a high school economics teacher and a water conservationist. Laurene earned a degree in economics and political science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1985, followed by an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business in 1991.

After completing her MBA, Laurene worked for Merrill Lynch Asset Management and Goldman Sachs. In 1997, she co-founded Terravera, a natural foods company that aimed to bring organic food to mainstream markets. She later co-founded the education non-profit College Track, which helps underserved high school students prepare for college.

Laurene’s fortune largely comes from her stake in Apple Inc., which she inherited from her late husband, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. She is the founder and chair of Emerson Collective, an organization focused on advancing social change and improving education, immigration, and health reform. She also serves on the board of directors of several prominent companies, including Teach for America, New America, and Conservation International.

As of 2021, Laurene Powell Jobs’ net worth is estimated to be $22 billion, making her one of the richest women in the world. She has used her wealth and influence to support a variety of causes, including gun control, immigration reform, and environmental conservation. In addition to her philanthropic work, she is known for her interest in art and design, and has invested in several projects related to these fields.

Overall, Laurene Powell Jobs is a respected figure in the world of business and philanthropy, known for her dedication to social causes and her commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

Here’s a timeline of some key events in the life of Laurene Powell Jobs:

  • 1963: Laurene Powell is born on November 6th in West Milford, New Jersey.
  • 1985: Powell graduates from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics.
  • 1989: Powell receives a Master of Business Administration degree from Stanford Graduate School of Business.
  • 1991: Powell marries Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc.
  • 1997: Powell and her husband launch the Steve and Laurene Jobs Foundation to support education, the environment, and other causes.
  • 2004: Powell becomes a board member of Teach for America, a non-profit organization that recruits recent college graduates to teach in underserved schools.
  • 2011: Steve Jobs dies on October 5th, leaving Powell with his fortune, which includes a 7.3% stake in The Walt Disney Company and a 38.5% stake in Pixar.
  • 2012: Powell establishes the Emerson Collective, a social change organization focused on education, immigration, and other issues.
  • 2017: Powell purchases a majority stake in The Atlantic, a prominent American magazine known for its in-depth reporting and analysis.
  • 2018: Powell joins the board of directors of College Track, a non-profit organization that helps underserved students prepare for and graduate from college.
  • 2020: The Emerson Collective launches a $50 million initiative to support organizations working on racial justice and equality.
  • 2021: Powell is named to Forbes’ list of the world’s billionaires, with an estimated net worth of $21.4 billion.

This timeline is not exhaustive, but it provides an overview of some of the key moments in Laurene Powell Jobs’ life and career.

5 Interesting Facts:

  1. Laurene Powell Jobs met Steve Jobs while she was pursuing her MBA at Stanford, and the two were married in 1991.
  2. After Steve’s death in 2011, Laurene inherited his fortune, which included a 7.3% stake in The Walt Disney Company and a 38.5% stake in the animation studio Pixar.
  3. In addition to her philanthropic work, Laurene has been involved in several business ventures, including serving on the board of directors for SurveyMonkey and serving as a co-founder and investor in the media company OZY.
  4. In 2017, Laurene purchased a majority stake in The Atlantic, a prominent American magazine known for its in-depth reporting and analysis.
  5. Laurene is known for her advocacy on behalf of DREAMers, undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. She has been a vocal supporter of the DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for these individuals.


  1. “I believe that each of us comes into the world with a unique mission to fulfill, and that our purpose is to discover and live that mission to the best of our abilities.”
  2. “I believe that education is the most powerful tool we have to transform lives and create a more just and equitable society.”
  3. “I am committed to using my resources and influence to advance social change and improve the world we live in.”
  4. “I believe that innovation and entrepreneurship have the power to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges, and I am always looking for new ways to support these efforts.”
  5. “I believe that art and design can inspire us to think differently and challenge us to imagine new possibilities for the future.”

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