Robert Kotick Biography: Life, Career, Success & Wealth

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Steven Simko, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Full nameRobert A. Kotick
BirthdateMay 10, 1963
BirthplaceLong Island, New York
EducationUniversity of Michigan (Philosophy)
Career highlightsCEO of Activision (1991-1997, 2005-present); oversaw merger with Vivendi Games to create Activision Blizzard (2008)
AwardsAcademy of Interactive Arts and Sciences’ Lifetime Achievement Award (2013)
Net worth$1.8 billion (as of 2021)
PhilanthropyDonated millions of dollars to the Call of Duty Endowment and other charitable causes
Business philosophyCreating a passionate culture that drives people to achieve their goals; anticipating and adapting to changing circumstances
ControversiesCriticized for workplace culture at Activision Blizzard, with allegations of sexism and discrimination (2018-present)
HobbiesArt collecting, travel, skiing, tennis

Robert Kotick is a businessman and entrepreneur who has made a name for himself in the world of video games. He is best known as the CEO of Activation Blizzard, one of the largest video game companies in the world. Under his leadership, the company has become a dominant force in the industry, with popular franchises like Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Diablo.

Born on May 10, 1963, in Long Island, New York, Kotick showed an early interest in technology and entrepreneurship. He started his first company, Activision, at the age of 25, and quickly turned it into a major player in the video game industry. Kotick’s business acumen and leadership skills helped Activision weather the ups and downs of the industry and emerge as one of the most successful game publishers of all time.

In 2008, Kotick oversaw the merger of Activision with Vivendi Games, creating the company known as Activation Blizzard. The merger proved to be a shrewd move, as the combined company’s market value soared. As of 2021, Robert Kotick’s net worth is estimated to be around $1.8 billion, making him one of the wealthiest people in the video game industry.

Kotick’s success has not come without controversy, however. In recent years, he has faced criticism over his handling of workplace culture at Activation Blizzard, with allegations of sexism, harassment, and discrimination. The company has been the subject of several lawsuits and investigations, and Kotick has pledged to take steps to address the issues.

Despite these challenges, Robert Kotick remains one of the most influential figures in the video game industry. His vision and leadership have helped shape the industry and create some of the most popular games of all time. As the industry continues to evolve and grow, it will be interesting to see what new innovations and successes Kotick will bring to the table.

Here is a timeline of Robert Kotick’s life and career:

  • 1963: Robert Kotick is born on May 10th in Long Island, New York.
  • 1983: Kotick graduates from the University of Michigan with a degree in Philosophy.
  • 1984: He co-founds his first company, Special Software Systems, which creates and sells educational software.
  • 1986: Kotick becomes CEO of the failing game developer Activision and restructures the company to focus on game publishing.
  • 1991: Activision becomes profitable under Kotick’s leadership and releases the popular game “MechWarrior”.
  • 1997: Kotick steps down as CEO of Activision but remains a board member and investor.
  • 2008: Kotick oversees the merger of Activision with Vivendi Games, creating the company known as Activation Blizzard.
  • 2013: Kotick receives the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences’ Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the video game industry.
  • 2018: Kotick is criticized for his handling of workplace culture at Activation Blizzard, with allegations of sexism and discrimination.
  • 2021: Robert Kotick’s net worth is estimated to be around $1.8 billion.

Throughout his career, Robert Kotick has been a key player in the video game industry, and his business acumen and leadership skills have helped shape the industry as we know it today. While he has faced controversy in recent years, his contributions to the industry are undeniable, and he remains one of the most influential figures in gaming.

Here are 5 interesting facts about Robert Kotick:

  1. Kotick’s first business venture was creating and selling educational software while he was still in college.
  2. He has served on the board of directors for companies like Coca-Cola, Yahoo!, and the Harvard Westlake School.
  3. Kotick is known for being a shrewd negotiator and has been involved in several high-profile acquisitions and mergers throughout his career.
  4. He is an advocate for philanthropy and has donated millions of dollars to charitable causes, including the Call of Duty Endowment, which helps veterans find jobs.
  5. Kotick is an avid art collector and has an extensive collection of contemporary art.

Here are 5 quotes from Robert Kotick:

  1. “There’s never been a better time to be a gamer. The industry has grown so much, and there are so many new and exciting things happening all the time.”
  2. “My philosophy has always been to create a culture where people feel passionate about what they’re doing and are driven to achieve their goals.”
  3. “The video game industry is constantly evolving, and it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate the next big thing.”
  4. “One of the keys to success is being able to adapt to changing circumstances and pivot when necessary.”
  5. “We believe that video games have the power to bring people together and create shared experiences that can be enjoyed by people all over the world.”

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