Kenzo Tange Biography: Life, Career, Success, Wealth & Net Worth

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Kenzo Tange
Kenzo Tange
BornSeptember 4, 1913 in Imabari, Japan
DiedMarch 22, 2005 in Tokyo, Japan
EducationUniversity of Tokyo
Notable Works– Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum<br>- Yoyogi National Gymnasium<br>- Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building<br>- Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium<br>- St. Mary’s Cathedral
Awards– Pritzker Architecture Prize (1987)<br>- Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects (1987)<br>- Order of Culture from the Japanese government (1985)<br>- AIA Gold Medal (1979)<br>- UIA Gold Medal (1975)
Famous Quote“Architecture must have something that appeals to the human heart, but even then, basic forms, spaces and appearances must be logical.”

Kenzo Tange was a world-famous Japanese architect and urban planner who played a key role in the development of modern Japanese architecture. He was born in Osaka on September 4, 1913 and died in Tokyo on March 22, 2005.

Tange studied architecture at the University of Tokyo, graduating in 1938. Later, he worked for Kunio Maekawa, a prominent Japanese architect associated with the Bauhaus movement. During World War II, Tange worked on the design of military installations, but after the war he turned his attention to rebuilding Japanese cities and infrastructure. Tange’s work was strongly influenced by his interest in modernism and his desire to create buildings that reflected the new post-war Japan. He was particularly interested in the idea of ​​integrating a building into its surroundings, creating functional and beautiful spaces.
One of Tange’s most famous works is the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, built to commemorate the victims of the atomic bomb that was dropped on the city in 1945. There are many impressive buildings in the park, such as the Peace Memorial Museum and the Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims.

Tange also designed a number of notable buildings, including the Yoyogi National Stadium, built for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, one of his tallest buildings in Tokyo, completed in 1991. Did. Tange has received numerous awards and honors throughout his career, including the 1987 Pritzker Architecture Prize, considered one of the most prestigious awards in architecture.

As for his net worth, Tange’s net worth was not publicly known at the time of his death. It is worth noting that there are.

Here is a timeline of the life and work of Kenzo Tange:

  • 1913: Kenzo Tange is born in Osaka, Japan.
  • 1935: Tange enrolls in the architecture program at the University of Tokyo.
  • 1938: Tange graduates from the University of Tokyo and begins working for architect Kunio Maekawa.
  • 1945: After the end of World War II, Tange begins working on rebuilding projects in Tokyo.
  • 1949: Tange establishes his own architectural practice.
  • 1952: Tange wins the competition to design the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
  • 1955: Tange designs the Kagawa Prefectural Government Office Building, which is considered one of his early masterpieces.
  • 1964: Tange’s design for the Yoyogi National Gymnasium is completed in time for the Tokyo Olympics.
  • 1972: Tange designs the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.
  • 1981: Tange is awarded the prestigious Kyoto Prize for Arts and Philosophy.
  • 1987: Tange is awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize, the highest honor in the field of architecture.
  • 1995: Tange is awarded the Japanese Order of Culture.
  • 2005: Tange passes away in Tokyo at the age of 91.

Throughout his career, Tange was known for his innovative designs, his use of modernist principles, and his desire to create buildings that were both functional and beautiful. His work has had a significant impact on the field of architecture in Japan and around the world.

Here are five interesting facts and five quotes from Kenzo Tange:

5 interesting facts:

  1. Tange was heavily influenced by the work of Le Corbusier, and he spent time studying and working with the famous architect in Paris.
  2. He was also deeply inspired by the destruction caused by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and he saw architecture as a way to help rebuild and heal the city.
  3. In addition to his work as an architect, Tange was also a respected professor and taught at both the University of Tokyo and Harvard University.
  4. Tange’s design for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building was the tallest building in Japan when it was completed, and it remains an iconic landmark in the city to this day.
  5. Tange’s design for the National Gymnasium for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was so innovative that it set a new standard for sports architecture and helped to shape the design of future Olympic venues.


  1. “Architecture must have something that appeals to the human heart, but even then, basic forms, spaces and appearances must be logical.”
  2. “In order to create architecture, it is important to have a strong and stable sense of values.”
  3. “The essence of architecture is the sense of the whole, the sense of the place, the sense of the human body.”
  4. “The city is a fulfillment of life, the greatest life achievement of man in the course of time.”
  5. “I believe that architects should design gardens to be used, as much as the houses they build, to develop a sense of beauty and the taste and inclination toward the fine arts and other spiritual values.”

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