Discover the Life and Legacy of Luise von Österreich-Toskana, the Philanthropic Princess of Tuscany

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old photo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Luise von Österreich-Toskana, also known as Princess Louise of Tuscany, was a member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine and a prominent figure in Austrian and Italian aristocratic circles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

She was born on September 2, 1870, in Salzburg, Austria, as the fourth child and third daughter of Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria-Tuscany and his wife, Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. From a young age, Luise was known for her beauty and intelligence, and she received a well-rounded education in a variety of subjects.

In 1891, Luise married Prince Friedrich August of Saxony, a union that was arranged by their families. The couple had four children together, including two sons who would later serve in the German army during World War I.

Despite her royal status, Luise was known for her down-to-earth and approachable personality, and she was beloved by many for her philanthropic work and support of the arts. She was also a talented artist herself, and she was known for her skill in painting and sculpting.

In 1918, following the end of World War I, the monarchy in Germany was abolished, and Luise and her family were forced to flee their home. They settled in Austria, where Luise continued to be active in philanthropic work and the arts.

Luise died on March 23, 1947, in Schwarzau am Steinfeld, Austria, at the age of 76. She was remembered for her grace, intelligence, and dedication to helping others, and her legacy continues to be celebrated in Austria and beyond.

Top 10 Facts:

  1. Luise was born in Salzburg, Austria, on September 2, 1870, as the daughter of Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria-Tuscany and Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.
  2. She was a member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, one of the most prominent royal families in Europe.
  3. In 1891, Luise married Prince Friedrich August of Saxony, a member of the House of Wettin.
  4. The couple had four children together, including two sons who served in the German army during World War I.
  5. Luise was known for her beauty, intelligence, and artistic talents. She was a skilled painter and sculptor.
  6. Despite her royal status, Luise was known for her approachable and down-to-earth personality, and she was beloved by many for her philanthropic work and support of the arts.
  7. Luise was an active supporter of the Red Cross and other charities during World War I.
  8. Following the end of the war, the monarchy in Germany was abolished, and Luise and her family were forced to flee their home.
  9. Luise and her family settled in Austria, where she continued to be active in philanthropic work and the arts.
  10. Luise died on March 23, 1947, at the age of 76, and she was remembered for her grace, intelligence, and dedication to helping others. Her legacy continues to be celebrated in Austria and beyond.
Gelegenheitsaufnahme zusammen mit Enrico Toselli.

Timeline of Luise von Österreich-Toskana:

  • 1870: Luise von Österreich-Toskana is born on September 2, in Salzburg, Austria, to Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria-Tuscany and Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.
  • 1891: Luise marries Prince Friedrich August of Saxony on June 21.
  • 1893: The couple’s first child, Prince Georg of Saxony, is born on January 15.
  • 1894: Luise gives birth to her second child, Princess Maria Anna of Saxony, on February 15.
  • 1896: Luise and Friedrich’s third child, Princess Margarete of Saxony, is born on February 24.
  • 1898: The couple’s fourth and youngest child, Prince Friedrich Christian of Saxony, is born on December 31.
  • 1918: Following the end of World War I, the monarchy in Germany is abolished, and Luise and her family are forced to flee their home.
  • 1919: Luise and her family settle in Austria, where she continues to be active in philanthropic work and the arts.
  • 1947: Luise von Österreich-Toskana dies on March 23, at the age of 76, in Schwarzau am Steinfeld, Austria.

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