Yang Huiyan Biography: Life, Career, Success & Wealth

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Photo: Captured from Weibo

Yang Huiyan is a Chinese businesswoman who was born on July 1981 in Shunde, Guangdong, China. She is the majority shareholder of Country Garden Holdings, one of China’s largest real estate developers.

Yang Huiyan’s father, Yang Guoqiang, founded Country Garden Holdings in 1992, and she inherited 70% of the company’s shares in 2007 after her father transferred them to her. At the time, she was only 26 years old, and her net worth skyrocketed overnight, making her one of the richest women in the world.

Yang Huiyan’s wealth is primarily derived from her holdings in Country Garden Holdings, which has grown into a massive conglomerate with operations in real estate, construction, and property management. The company is responsible for developing residential and commercial properties in over 300 cities in China, as well as in Malaysia, Australia, and other countries.

As of 2021, Yang Huiyan’s net worth was estimated to be around $26.4 billion, according to Forbes, making her one of the wealthiest people in China and the world. Her incredible wealth has brought her a great deal of attention, and she has become known for her philanthropic activities.

In 2020, Yang Huiyan’s company donated 100 million yuan ($14 million) to help fight the coronavirus pandemic in Wuhan, China. She has also established the Bright Scholar Education Foundation, which provides scholarships to underprivileged students in China.

Despite her immense wealth, Yang Huiyan is known for being low-key and private. She rarely gives interviews or makes public appearances, preferring to focus on her work and philanthropic activities. Nevertheless, her success in the business world and her dedication to giving back to her community have made her an inspiration to many people around the world.

Here is a timeline of Yang Huiyan’s life and career:

  • 1981: Yang Huiyan is born in Shunde, Guangdong, China.
  • 1992: Yang Huiyan’s father, Yang Guoqiang, founds Country Garden Holdings, a real estate development company.
  • 2007: Yang Guoqiang transfers 70% of the shares in Country Garden Holdings to Yang Huiyan, making her the majority shareholder of the company.
  • 2010: Country Garden Holdings goes public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
  • 2014: Yang Huiyan becomes the richest woman in China, with a net worth of $6.9 billion.
  • 2018: Yang Huiyan’s net worth reaches $25 billion, making her one of the wealthiest people in China and the world.
  • 2020: Yang Huiyan’s company, Country Garden Holdings, donates 100 million yuan ($14 million) to help fight the coronavirus pandemic in Wuhan, China.
  • 2021: Yang Huiyan’s net worth is estimated to be around $26.4 billion, according to Forbes.

Throughout her career, Yang Huiyan has become known for her dedication to philanthropy and giving back to her community.

5 interesting facts about Yang Huiyan:

  1. Yang Huiyan became the richest woman in China at the age of 25, after inheriting the majority shares of Country Garden Holdings from her father.
  2. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Arts and Science from Ohio State University and a Master’s degree in Marketing and Logistics from the same university.
  3. Yang Huiyan is known for being extremely private and rarely gives interviews or public appearances.
  4. She is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
  5. In 2018, Yang Huiyan was named as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world.

5 quotes from Yang Huiyan:

  1. “I feel the most important thing in life is finding something that makes you happy and working hard at it every day. If you find something that you truly love and you are passionate about, you will succeed.”
  2. “I think women can be successful in any industry, as long as they work hard and stay true to themselves.”
  3. “I believe that being successful in business means taking risks and learning from failures. It’s important to be persistent and never give up.”
  4. “I am grateful for the opportunities that I have been given in life, and I believe it is important to give back to those in need.”
  5. “I think it is important to always be learning and growing, both personally and professionally. I strive to be a lifelong learner.”

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